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  • Tradestation does not provide 1-tick historical data. For this reason it is NOT the right data feed to use for indicators such as Volume Profile, TPO Profile, Volume Ladder (footprint), Volume Delta etc. and generally all volume indicators.
    For a correct volume analysis you should consider other data-feeds. In Overcharts, you can receive data from a data-feed and execute orders on another. Then you can use Tradestation for order execution and another data-feed to get data. Click here to learn more

How to connect Overcharts to Tradestation #

To connect Overcharts to Tradestation, please follow these steps carefully:

1. Tradestation Account – If you do not already have a Tradestation demo or real account, please create a new one from Tradestation official website.

2. Once you got data-feed credentials (username and password) from Tradestation, proceed with connection configuration on Overcharts:

  • Start Overcharts and select Tradestation connection from Connections tab of the Overcharts main window. Access connection configuration window by right-clicking > Edit. If you already have a Tradestation connection configured, create a new one.
  • Username: enter Username you got FROM TRADESTATION (NOT the ones you use to access Overcharts!) paying close attention to upper and lower case and avoiding absentmindedly adding any space at the beginning or end of username.
  • Server: select DEMO if your Tradestation account is a DEMO account, or select LIVE if your Tradestation account is a REAL account.
  • Enable DOM (Level 2): If checked, multi-level (Level 2) DOM (Depth of Market) data is enabled. If you notice a slowdown in data flow when using multi-level DOM, uncheck this property. Most likely your PC / Internet line is unable to support the workload.
  • Build 1-Day data using 1-Minute data: If checked, daily data will be built using 1-Minute data. In this case, open price will be first trade executed (instead of auction price), close price will be the very last trade executed (instead of settlement), and volumes will most likely be lower than original 1-Day resolution.
  • Fill in any other required properties according to your preferences.
  • Press OK

3. Once configuration is complete, start connection by pressing CONNECT button or by double-clicking on connection. Your browser will open and you will need to authenticate (with username and password ISSUED BY TRADESTATION) on Tradestation website. You are connected successfully if dots near connection are all green.

If, on the other hand, there is at least one red dot, it means that:

  • connection configuration parameters are incorrect
  • or data-feed is temporarily unavailable
  • or data-feed demo (NOT Overcharts!) has expired.

Hover over “i” icon (next to the red dot) to read a more detailed error message.