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Real-time data subscription monitoring

2 min read

In the Connections Tab of the Overcharts main window you can monitor all real-time data streaming subscriptions of the various instruments, highlighting instruments that have correctly subscribed to data streaming and those that have not subscribed to it correctly.

To view the instrument list and related subscriptions, access the Connections Tab and select the connection you want to monitor. The instruments / subscriptions list will be displayed on the right.

The list contains the following columns:

Instrument: instrument name
Symbol: instrument symbol/root
Trade: price data subscription status (tick by tick)
Bid/Ask: quotes subscription status (best bid/ask and sizes)
DOM: Depth of Market (Level II) subscription status
Historical: green check if the connection is set as the instrument’s historical data provider

In particular, in Trade, Bid/Ask and DOM columns, subscription status is represented by a colored dot:

  • Grey: if streaming is not subscribed. No request was made.
  • Green: if streaming has been subscribed successfully.
  • Red: if streaming subscription was NOT successful. Hovering over the dot with the mouse will show, if available, a detailed error message.

A subscription error is usually due to one of the following reasons:

  • The instrument symbol is NOT correct. To resolve, change the symbol in the instrument configuration.
  • (only for Futures) Current futures contract has expired and is no longer available in the data-feed. To resolve, change the instrument symbol, or Rollover or Reset Current Contract.
  • You have reached the maximum number of subscriptions that your data-feed allows. Some data feeds have limitations in the number of instruments that can be subscribed to at the same time. In this case, you can just contact your broker/data-feed and ask to increase this limit or close some chart / workspace / DOM / watchlist / Time & Sales, etc. in order to fall within the limit set by data-feed.
    Limitations can be:
    • without type distinction: In this case, you can check the limit reached by counting the instruments that have at least one green dot.
    • by type: In this case, you can check the limit reached by counting the instruments that have a green dot in the relevant subscription type column (Trade, Bid/Ask, DOM).