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Overbasic – String functions

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My.Strings category contains all built-in functions available in Overbasic for handling strings.

Cstr #

Converts a number (or the result of a numeric-expression) to a string.

Result type: string


  • NUMBER: any numeric expression.
Dim s As String = My.Strings.Cstr(2 * 3) 'Result: "6"

FormatNumber #

Returns a number/numeric-expression formatted as specified.

Result type: string


  • EXPRESSION: any numeric expression.
  • FORMAT: format string


In the format string:

  • ,” (comma) is the thousand separator
  • .” (point) is the decimal separator
  • #” character omits the most significant digit (if zero)
  • %” character formats the number as a percentage

WARNING: thousand and decimal separators in the resulting string will be the separators defined in OS settings.

Dim a As String = My.Strings.FormatNumber(10.2, "0.00")  'Result: "10.20"
Dim b As String = My.Strings.FormatNumber(10.27, "0.0")  'Result: "10.3"
Dim c As String = My.Strings.FormatNumber(0.23, "#.00")   'Result: ".23"
Dim d As String = My.Strings.FormatNumber(10.23, "000000")  'Result: "000010"
Dim e As String = My.Strings.FormatNumber(10.23, "0")  'Result: "10"
Dim f As String = My.Strings.FormatNumber(0.273, "0.0%")  'Result: "27.3%"
Dim g As String = My.Strings.FormatNumber(12345.92827635, "#,##0.00")  'Result: "12,345.93"
Dim h As String = My.Strings.FormatNumber(45.92827635, "#,##0.00")  'Result: "45.93"

Instr #

Returns the position of the first character of STRING2 within STRING1. If STRING2 is not present in STRING1, it returns zero.

Result type: numeric


  • START: character (position) where to start searching for STRING2 in STRING1
  • STRING1: any string
  • STRING2: any string
Dim a As Numeric = My.Strings.Instr(1, "Hello World", "World") 'Result: 7
Dim b As Numeric = My.Strings.Instr(1, "Hello World", "Bye") 'Result: 0

Len #

Returns the length (in characters) of a string.

Result type: numeric


  • STRING: any string
Dim l As Numeric = My.Strings.Len("Hello World") 'Result: 11

Ltrim #

Removes any spaces from the left side of a string.

Result type: string


  • STRING: any string
Dim s As String = My.Strings.Ltrim("   Hello   ") 'Result: "Hello   "

Mid #

Returns a substring of STRING.

Result type: string


  • STRING: any string
  • START: position of first substring character within STRING
  • LENGTH: (optional) substring length. If omitted, equals the length of STRING minus START.
Dim s As String = My.Strings.Mid("Hello", 2, 3) 'Result: "ell"
Dim s As String = My.Strings.Mid("Hello", 2) 'Result: "ello"

Rtrim #

Removes any spaces from the right side of a string.

Result type: string


  • STRING: any string
Dim s As String = My.Strings.Rtrim("   Hello   ") 'Result: "   Hello"

Trim #

Removes any left and right spaces in a string.

Result type: string


  • STRING: any string
Dim s As String = My.Strings.Trim("   Hello   ") 'Result: "Hello"