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The exchange is a FUNDAMENTAL attribute of the instrument. Defining it incorrectly or defining properties such as session or time-zone incorrectly results in the incorrect display of charts, DOM and anything else concerning the instrument.

In Overcharts, an exchange groups together a set of properties common to all instruments belonging to the exchange.
All instruments of a given exchange inherit the properties defined in the exchange configuration, unless otherwise specified in the instrument configuration.

Access exchange list #

You can access exchange list in one of the following ways:

1. From Overcharts main window > Instruments Tab > Exchanges button

2. From Overcharts main window > Instruments menu > Exchanges

Create or Modify an exchange #

To create/modify an exchange:

1. Access exchange list

2. Select the exchange to edit and press Edit button, or press New button to create a new exchange

3. Set or change the following properties:

Name: exchange unique name

Symbol (abbreviation): unique code of a few characters to identify the exchange in Overcharts

Currency: exchange currency. This property is only enabled creating the exchange and cannot be changed later

Time-Zone: exchange time-zone

Exchange time zone MUST be the time-zone where the exchange is based. For example, CME time zone is U.S. Central Time (Chicago time-zone). Nasdaq or NYSE time-zone is Eastern Standard Time (New York time-zone) etc.

Session: weekly trading session (trading hours) defines the days and hours when the exchange is open

The Session is a FUNDAMENTAL attribute of an exchange/instrument. It affects data loading and charts displaying. If defined incorrectly, DOM, Charts etc. will NOT be displayed correctly

Holidays list: contains all exchange’s holidays. It affects data loading and charts displaying of each instrument belonging to the exchange.

Tick-Size: minimum price movement. Each instrument has its own tick-size. A default used by the instrument creation procedure is specified here, in case a specific tick-size is not defined for the instrument being created

Point Value: cash value of 1 point. Each instrument has its own Point Value. It is used for futures (for shares or other type of instrument the value is always 1). A default used by the instrument creation procedure is specified here, in case a specific point-value is not defined for the instrument being created

Overcharts already contains some preconfigured exchanges. Preconfigured-exchanges properties can be modified by the user, but if you modify them, any future property updates will NOT be applied.
You can restore the default configuration of a preconfigured exchange at any time by selecting the exchange from exchange list and pressing the Restore Standard button.