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IMPORTANT: To connect Overcharts to dxFeed you MUST subscribe to dxFeed through the Overcharts page on dxFeed website: Subscribe to dxFeed-Overcharts. If you already have a dxFeed subscription for another application you CANNOT connect Overcharts to dxFeed using the same subscription. ALL dxFeed subscriptions are dedicated exclusively to a single and specific platform!

How to connect Overcharts to dxFeed #

To connect Overcharts to dxFeed, please follow these steps carefully:

1. dxFeed account– Get a dxFeed account by subscribing to dxFeed data-feed through the Overcharts page on dxFeed website: Subscribe to dxFeed-Overcharts. If you already have a dxFeed subscription for another application you CANNOT connect Overcharts to dxFeed using the same subscription. ALL dxFeed subscriptions are dedicated exclusively to a single and specific platform!

2. Once you got credentials (username and password) from dxFeed, proceed with connection configuration on Overcharts:

  • Start Overcharts and select dxFeed connection from Connections tab of the Overcharts main window. Access connection configuration window by right-clicking > Edit. If you already have a dxFeed connection configured, create a new one
  • Username and Password: Enter Username and Password you got from dxFeed (NOT the ones you use to access Overcharts!) paying close attention to Upper and lower case and avoiding absentmindedly adding any space at the beginning or end of the username or password.
  • Server: Set Server property to PRODUCTION.

3. Set following properties according to your needs:

  • Build 1-Day data using 1-Minute data: Choose whether or not to build 1-Day resolution data using 1-Minute data. If selected, open price will be first trade executed (instead of auction price) and close price will be last trade executed (instead of settlement). This property also affects day total volume. If selected, day volume will be exclusively the volume present in 1-Minute data which usually exclude auction volume (both open and close).
  • Max DOM Levels: Choose whether to receive from dxFeed all available DOM levels or only X levels. The number of levels chosen has an effect on performance of data update and graphics refresh. If you notice slowdowns in DOMs or charts (in case of using indicators such as Market-Depth-Map or Advanced Columns), decrease the number of levels.
    dxFeed DOM/Book data (due to its completeness) requires a lot of resources to be processed. If you intensively use indicators such as Market-Depth-Map, Advanced Columns, DOM/Book windows or more generally DOM/Book data, you may encounter delays in both DOM and prices. Unfortunately it is NOT possible for us to solve this issue in any way. See below for possible solutions.
  • Fill in any other required properties according to your preferences.
  • Press OK

4. Once the configuration is complete, start the connection by pressing CONNECT button or by double-clicking on the connection. You are connected successfully if dots near the connection are all green.

If, on the other hand, there is at least one red dot, it means that:

  • connection configuration parameters are incorrect
  • or data-feed is temporarily unavailable
  • or your dxFeed subscription has expired.

Hover over “i” icon (next to the red dot) to read a more detailed error message.

dxFeed DOM/Book data (due to its completeness) requires a lot of resources to be processed. If you intensively use indicators such as Market-Depth-Map, Advanced Columns, DOM/Book windows or more generally DOM/Book data, you may encounter delays in both DOMs and prices. Unfortunately it is NOT possible for us to solve this issue in any way.
In case of slowdowns/delays the possible solutions are:
1) use a more performing PC
2) limit the use of DOM/Book data or the number of charts/DOMs/workspaces/watchlists open at the same time
3) set a higher data refreshing rate (in milliseconds) in the ‘Preferences’ window accessible from Overcharts main window > Tools menu > Preferences > ‘Platform’ section > ‘Data refreshing rate (ms)’.