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Data Import

2 min read

Data import procedure allows you to import data from a text file (csv or txt) exported from another application or provider.

Access Data Import #

You can access data-import in one of the following ways:

1. From Overcharts main window > Instruments Tab > Data Import button

2. From Overcharts main window > Instruments menu > Data Import

To import data for a specific instrument:

1) From Overcharts main window > Instruments Tab, select instrument to import

2) Right click > Import Data

Import data #

Data import procedure is divided into 3 steps:

Parameters and Options #

In this first step, define all parameters and options to launch the import procedure:

File to import: Full path of file to import. Use Find button to select the file from your PC

File Format: Select correct Text File Format or create a new one if necessary

Data time zone: Select time zone of text-file data. By default, Exchange is proposed, that is the time zone specified in the exchange or instrument configuration

Bar timestamp: Select this option if timestamp in the data being imported is the bar closing time. For example, in a 5-minute bar (from 10:00:00 to 10:04:59), 10:00:00 represents the bar’s start-time (On Open) and 10:05:00 the bar’s end-time (On Close). This property is considered only if data-resolution being imported is Minutes

Resolution: Select data resolution and quote type (trade/bid/ask > usually trade). Resolution must be unique for all data contained in the text file even if belonging to different symbols. Resolution is proposed automatically after choosing file format. If different from resolution proposed, modify it appropriately

Date range to import: Specify whether to import all data or only a defined range

Other Options:

Option 1: Specify whether or not to update all instrument time frames on local database, compatible with the resolution of data being imported. By selecting this option, if you are importing 1-minute resolution data and the instrument has both 1-minute and 1-day time frame, even 1-day time frame will be updated. WARNING: If data to import is partial, there may be wrong data into resolutions higher than data-to-import resolution

Option 2: Specify whether to delete data in the local database corresponding to date range being imported before performing the import. This option is highly recommended for 1-tick resolution data

Based on chosen settings, top 100 rows in the file to be imported are displayed in the grid below:
Check data validity before importing. If there are formatting errors, incorrect fields are highlighted in red. Change settings to correct all errors. In particular, make sure you are using the correct file format and possibly modify it or create a new one.

Press Next to continue

Symbols and Instruments #

3 possible scenarios:

  • If file contains a single symbol, there is a unique correspondence with an Overcharts instrument and file analysis does not report any error, the import is launched automatically. In this case, step 2 completes the import.
  • If file contains multiple symbols, the list of all symbols contained in the text file and corresponding pre-selected Overcharts instruments are displayed. In this case you will have to confirm or modify the proposed selections
  • If text file does NOT contain symbol column, you will need to manually choose the corresponding Overcharts instrument(s). All selected instruments must have the same symbol

Press Next to continue

Preliminary check and import #

In this last step, first of all a pre-processing of data file is performed:

  • If NO errors are found, the import proceeds automatically
  • If errors are found, top 100 errors are displayed. You can decide whether or not to import the correct data, ignoring incorrect ones