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The Currency is used in the exchange and instrument configuration and MUST be expressed using 3-digit international code. For example, dollar international code is USD.

Access currency list #

You can access currency list in one of the following ways:

1. From Overcharts main window > Instruments Tab > Currencies button

2. From Overcharts main window > Instruments menu > Currencies

Create or Modify a currency #

To create/modify a currency:

1. Access currency list

2. Select the currency to edit and press Edit button, or press New button to create a new currency. Warning: You can ONLY modify a currency created by you. It is not possible to directly modify a preconfigured currency. To modify a preconfigured currency you must first copy it by pressing Copy button and then modify it.

3. Set or change the following properties:

Code: currency code must be defined using 3-digit international code. For example, dollar international code is USD. Please DO NOT set a random code otherwise the currency will NOT be recognized within the application

Name: currency unique name