Binance is a popular cryptocurrency exchange.
IMPORTANT: At the moment connection to Binance is in DATA ONLY mode, that is, you can receive data (both historical and real time) of all instruments Binance makes available but you CANNOT trade Binance instruments through Overcharts. Trading will be available in the future.
- Binance does not provide 1-tick historical data. For this reason indicators such as Volume Profile, TPO Profile, Volume Ladder (footprint), Volume Delta etc. and generally all volume indicators will work only with real-time data.
How to connect Overcharts to Binance #
To connect Overcharts to Binance, please follow these steps carefully:
1. At the moment connection to Binance is in DATA ONLY mode, that is, you can receive data (both historical and real time) of all instruments Binance makes available but you CANNOT trade Binance instruments through Overcharts (trading will be available in the future). For this reason no credentials are required.
2. Set following properties:
- Service: Select DATA only (No Trading)
- Server: Select the server from which to receive data. Binance has 4 servers. Initially select Server #1. If you notice any slowdowns then try selecting a different server.
- Max DOM levels: Specify the maximum number of bid/ask levels to process. For example, by setting the value of this property to 100, 100 Bid levels + 100 Ask levels will be processed for a total of 200 levels.
- Fill in any other required properties according to your preferences
- Press OK
3. Once the configuration is complete, start the connection by pressing CONNECT button or by double-clicking on the connection. You are connected successfully if dots near the connection are all green.
If, on the other hand, there is at least one red dot, it means that:
- connection configuration parameters are incorrect
- or data-feed is temporarily unavailable (check your Internet line or try setting the Server property by selecting a different server)
Hover over “i” icon (next to the red dot) to read a more detailed error message.